All Funaab Students Award 2017 Unveils Award Categories
All Funaab Students Award ‘AFSA 2017’ celebrates achievements innovations, creativity and above all Champions.
This platform is said to showcase and celebrate the most significant, dynamic and revolutionary students that are shaping the future of the school socially, educationally etc. .
The Award will also feature exceptional categories tagged “Recognition Award” which main focus is to celebrate Teaching and Non Teaching Staffs, Alumni and many more who have one way or the other contributed to the development of the social, moral and political life of our prestigious university.
Our Patron.
Opeyemi Gbenga Kayode popularly known as PEPENAZI born 16 April 1988, is a Nigeria-based songwriter, recording artiste and performer, currently signed to Ecleftic Entertainment.
He Graduated from Federal University Of Technology, Akure ( FUTA) With good grades in Estate Management. He was once the SUG SOCIAL DIRECTOR during his stay at FUTA.
Opeyemi Gbenga has won several awards in the Entertainment Industry.. He was also nominated at the Headies Award 2015 as The Rookie of The year.
AFSA 17 Award Categories
1. Best Student Academics
This category is set out for the most Outstanding student during the course of an academic session, It recognises the student with an excellent result and grade.
2. Most Enterprising Student
This category is set out for the most industrious and hard-working student who has done nothing but stayed on top of the game as an entrepreneur.
3. Student Brand Of The Year
This category is dedicated to the student owned company that has been able to survive and also dish out the very best of service in our campus community over the years despite facing specific and urban challenges.
4. On Air Personality
The Radio god or goddess whose name is on everyone’s lips is being recognised in this category.
5. DJ Of The Year
The category is to the Disc jockey who appeared on every Major event on campus.
6. Comedian Of The Year
A stand up comedian and professional entertainer who has used various physical or verbal means to be amusing is being recognised in this category.
7. Event Organiser Of The Year
Student who has successfully planned, managed and put on a range of event is recognised.
8. Best Use Of Social Media
This category will recognise the student with ground-breaking contributions to the evolution of the university social life via the use of mobile technology and connectivity.
9. Clothier Of The Year
No one else is recognised in this category other than the Best student when it comes to making and designing of clothing materials.
10. Best Dance Group
This category is set out to honour the team of dancers whose choreograph creativity is of no limit.
11. Student Actor Of The Year
This category is set out for that student who performed excellently and astonished the public in a drama/play performed by the students.
12. Rookie Of The Year
This category is set out for that student who is rapidly coming to limelight and seems to have a stay at the forefront of fame.
13. Most Creative (Hand Work)
Student with the most creative mind in the business having or showing an ability to make new things or think of new ideas is being recognised.
14. Most Fashionable M/F
This category is set to acknowledge that one personality that has got his/her dress code at a top-notch!
15. Campus Blog Of The Year
The blog that keeps students updated with latest News and happenings around the campus and also has the tightest publicity waves is being recognised in this category.
16. Best In Art
This category acknowledge the most talented student in the work of art.
17. Student Blogger Of The Year
This category acknowledges the student who has the best reputation in carrying out information on the Internet amongst student.
18. Best Student In Poetry
This category is set to acknowledge the literature personality who has got the best aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language.
19. Political Icon Of The Year
This Category is set out for student with outstanding contribution to political matters either at departmental or college level, and has also demonstrated real leadership skills by contributing to several of the challenges set out during the session.
20. Most Popular Student
No one else is recognised in this category other than the student whom everyone terms to be the Campus rave of the moment, known and loved by most students on campus. To qualify for this category, student must have won the most popular student award either at departmental or college level.
21. Photographer Of The Year
This category is set to acknowledge the media personality who has got the best photo shoots.
22. Most Influential Student M/F
The student whose presence carries the best importance on campus and has also affected lives of students positively is recognised in this category.
23. Event Of The Year
This category is dedicated to the biggest and fun filled event of the year.
24. Entertainment Personality
This category is set out to recognise the Student who has achieved insight or intellectual growth in the entertainment industry and has also affected the social growth of our campus community.
25. PR Of The Year
This category is set out to recognise an outstanding student promoter who has produced good online promotion for Events, Artistes etc,overcome adversity, or truly gone above and beyond the call of duty and pulled something phenomenal out of the bag.
26. Sport Man Of The Year M/F
This category is set to recognise the student with the spirit of sportsmanship and the highest achievement.
27. Most Handsome
This is a category where a male who is good looking, fashionable, attractive, well dressed and photogenic is recognised.
28. Entertainment Outfit Of The Year
This award is for the entertainment brand which has had the greatest impact and a major contribution to the general development of the University social live.
29. Mr & Mrs Personality
This category is set to acknowledge the student who have the best personal property or possessions.
30. Sought After M/F
This category is set to acknowledge the student who has got people trailing him/her in order to build a relationship, Either academically, Socially e.t.c.
31. Miss Portable
This category is set out for the female student who is good looking and has a comfy stature.
32. Best New Student
This category recognises the 100L student on campus who has the best reputation both academic performances and moral behaviour.
33. Model Of The Year M/F
This category is set to acknowledge that one personality that got his or her role at the top notch. Nominees of this category must posses good modelling skills and stature.
34. Graphix Designer Of The Year
This category is set out for the best multimedia personality who has got the best graphical designs.
35. Most Reserved M/F
The personalities with the coolest attitudes are being honoured in this category.
36. Miss Photogenic
This award is dedicated to the female with the best photo Outlook.
37. Online Comedy Platform
This category is set out for the student who has got the best comedy skits.
This category will be determined Via Instagram… Nominees of this category will drop a skit on instagram (It must be related to AFSA), then we will repost,the skit with the highest views, Likes and Comments on our page wins.
38. Most Beautiful Girl On Campus
This is a category where a female who is good looking, fashionable, attractive, well dressed and photogenic is recognised.
39. Best Clique
The team or group of friends with the best trend and waves bags this award.
40. Best Dressed M/F
In this category, the male and female that looks gorgeous and attractive anytime they appear on campus is considered.
41. Campus Humanitarian Group
In this category the group who has sold out its activities to helping and improving lives of students on capus is being recognised
42. Hour Glass
This category is set out to recognise the female student with the nicest figure (figure 8).
43. Entrepreneur Of The Year
This category Will shine light on a student who thrives for success, takes risk by starting a business and has been at the apex of his game over the years.
44. Artist Of The Year
This award goes to most all-round successful music act in the year.
45. Vocalist Of The Year
This category is to honour the songwriter with so much voice versatility and energy.
46. Rap Artist Of The Year
This category recognises the student artist with the best chanted rhyming lyrics, flows and good lines.
47. Music Producer Of The Year
This award is dedicated to the producer whose handiwork and creativity has being the most successful in the music scene in the year.
48. Next Rated Act
This Category is set out to recognise artist tipped to be the Next Big Thing in the music Industry.
49. Best New ACT
This is a category for the act whose career is extremely ringing a bell in every department and college on campus just within a short while.
50. Song Of The Year
The song with the most successful wave and traffic is awarded in this category.
1. Most Expensive M/F
2. Money Bag
3. Best Automobile
4. Most Sophisticated M/F
5. Best Automobile
6. Unsung
7. Revelation Of The Year
8. CEO Of The Year
9. Club Boy Of The Year
10. Club Of The Year
OBAGO (Non Voting Category)
This Category is set out to recognise the student that is standard in all ramifications (Academically, Socially, Morally, Financially etc).
Nominees must be in 400L or above.
This Category is set out to recognise the student that is standard in all ramifications (Academically, Socially, Morally, Financially etc).
Nominees must be in 300L or below.
Nominee Lists Drops Soon!!!
NOTE: Each candidate nominated, will be given a letter of nomination and a pass to the nominees party where the Certificate Of Nomination will be issued to all Nominees. The Certificate will be signed by the celebrity Patron. Each Nominee will pay a nomination Fee Of #1,000.