According to foxnews, President-elect Donald Trump announced Wednesday the addition of roughly 8,000 new jobs for Americans, including 5,000 that telecommunications giant Sprint will bring from “all around the world.”
“They’re coming back to the United States, which is a nice change,” he said.
Trump, who takes office January 20, said the other 3,000 jobs will be hires from a new company called One Web.
Trump was elected in part on the promise to return to the United States jobs that American companies had moved overseas, in search of cheaper labor costs.
Last month, he announced that Carrier would keep roughly 1,000 jobs in Indiana, after months of criticizing the air-conditioning corporation on the campaign trail for plans to move the jobs to Mexico.
Trump spoke Wednesday from his Mar a Largo estate in Palm Beach, Florida.
The wealthy businessman-turned politician also said he had a “nice” and “general” conversation earlier in the day with outgoing President Obama.
Trump opposed the Obama administration’s move last week to allow the United Nations to pass a resolution condemning Israel for building more settlements in the disputed West Bank.
He said Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech earlier Wednesday defending the administration’s U.N. decision “spoke for itself.”
Trump, who in recent days has been especially critical of the U.N., also said that the international body “has tremendous potential but is not living up to itself.”
Trump added he had help on the jobs deals from several people including Massayoshi Son, the chief executive officer for SoftBank of Japan, which owns Sprint.
Trump has had previous business dealings with Son, whom he described on Wednesday as a “terrific guy.”