Uber has released a new set of guidelines and rules that riders must adhere to if they want to continue to use the taxi service.
Some of the rules, which mostly target the riders, also apply to the drivers.
“It’s a universal truth we were all taught by our parents. And something that’s important here at Uber,” an Uber news release said.
“That’s because whether you’re a passenger trying to get from A to B—or a driver wanting to earn money—we want everyone to enjoy the ride.”
Breaking any of these rules could get you banned from using Uber ever again.
Damaging drivers’ or other passengers’ property
Damaging the car, breaking or vandalising a phone, intentionally spilling food or drink, smoking, or vomiting due to excessive alcohol consumption.
Physical contact with the driver or fellow riders
As our community guidelines make clear, you shouldn’t touch or flirt with other people in the car. As a reminder, Uber has a no sex rule.
That’s no sexual conduct with drivers or fellow riders, no matter what. And you should never hit or otherwise hurt a driver or fellow passenger.
Use of inappropriate and abusive language or gestures
Asking overly personal questions, using verbal threats, and making comments or gestures that are aggressive, sexual, discriminatory, or disrespectful.
Unwanted contact with the driver or fellow passenger after the trip is over
Texting, calling or visiting someone in person after a ride has been completed.
Remember, in most countries, you can call and text your driver directly from the Uber app without ever having to share your personal phone number.
This means that your phone number stays anonymous and is never given to the driver.
Breaking the local law while using Uber
Bringing open containers of alcohol or drugs into the car; traveling in large groups that exceed the number of seat belts in the car; asking drivers to break local traffic laws such as speed limits; or using Uber to commit a crime, including drug and human trafficking or the sexual exploitation of children.